Digital Nomad Jobs  – Get Paid to Travel


Tired  of the rat race?

The dreary 9-5 in a job you hate?

Do you dream of a life of travel – of excitement and adventure?

Then Digital Nomad Jobs might just be the way for you!

While international travel jobs can come with restrictions like visa requirements or being tied to one place for a while, they are nonetheless a great way to get started and save up some money while building a location independent business on the side.

Getting paid to travel while following your travel passion is definitely awesome!

This Video will give you a brief introduction, for a more in-depth listing of Digital Nomad Jobs, please keep reading below:


Jobs that involve traveling

What are the best international travel jobs?

Well….let’s have a look at a few examples…..

We’ll cover both Digital Nomad Jobs = jobs you perform online – and regular travel jobs.

Let’s begin with the latter:

How about working on a Cruise Ship?

Location Independent Jobs

How about working on a cruise ship or yacht? – it’s a great way to see the world while earning a good salary with minimal expenses since room and board are covered. There are a multitude of different cruise job available from general hospitality and management all the way to tour guide and entertainer.

A good site to find cruise jobs is:


and for Yachts:

Find A Crew

Crew Network

Crew Finders

Since applying for cruise ship jobs is a very competitive process, learning the most efficient way to apply – the how and where – will save you years of frustration. This course by a guy who has done it for years is a great intro.

How about Travel Jobs in National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries?

Digital Business Blueprints Location Rebel

Digital Nomad Jobss can also be found in National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. However, unless you have special skills or a degree in animal care, agriculture, forestry, marine biology etc., the best way to get in is to volunteer.

Simply google the country you want to visit and “National Park Volunteer programs” or “Wildlife Sanctuary Volunteer Program” and start submitting applications. Chances are good that you might get offered a more permanent (paid) position or that the park/sanctuary managers might recommend you to another job opportunity in the field if you present yourself well during your volunteer tenure and it is also a good way to find out if this is something you want to do more long term.

This is the job/volunteer listing site for US National Parks

More Careers that involve Travel

A great source of Digital Nomad Jobs are Tour Guide positions. These can be quite well paid, especially if you speak a foreign language and if you like interacting with people while having a fun adventure, this might be for you.

Best way to start is to google the relevant tour outfits in your country of choice and contact them. The more you can relate to the type of tour and clientel they work with, the better your chances of getting hired.

Become an Expat Consultant

Another option for Digital Nomad Jobs is becoming an Expat Consultant. Many countries in Africa and Asia – and even the US, Australia and Europe – have large expat communities that need help settling in. Many are sent over by large corporations for a few years and those corporations are more than happy to pay a good fee to help a newbie and his family getting settled in quickly and painlessly.

You would be liaison with the Consulate and for any visa issues, housing, cars, schools and anything else an expat might require when first settling in.

A good way to start is to google “Expat Consultant” and the country and see who comes up. You can check out other consultants’ websites and see what they offer, how much they charge etc. You might even contact a few of them for advice. Another great way to make connections is to get in touch with the local consulate and – most importantly – with large expat companies in the area. They will be your best resource for clients – and might also be helpful for aquiring a work visa.

For this particular Digital Nomad Job it doesn’t make much sense to stay only a short while since it takes some time to learn the necessary skills and build connections, but if you would like to stay in another country for a year or longer this can be a great way “get paid to travel”.

You could also ask a local Expat Consultant whether they might want to switch countries once you have built up a following somewhere. That way everybody can stay more flexible and swap places in different countries of choice.

 Teaching Jobs

how to get paid to travel as a Nomad

The next large area for Digital Nomad Jobs is  Teaching – both abroad and online. Online teaching gives you greater freedom and flexibility while teaching abroad usually offers better pay and immersion into the local culture.

English is the most popular form of international teaching or online teaching, but any language can work and so can a lot of other skills. Simply visit sites like udemy, skillshare or Instaedu  to see what’s out there and in particular, what is selling well, e.g. what people actually want to learn (=much easier to earn money with….;-)

For a complete list of all reputable sites for teaching English online and abroad (a few also for other languages), please sign up below (bottom of page) to receive a free copy of my Budget Travel Book. You will find the list in the 3rd Chapter.

Get Paid to Travel in a Luxury Resort

travel careers for location independent nomads

Digital Nomad jobs can also include jobs at Resorts, Hotels or Hostels. They can be a fun and lucrative way to get paid to travel and meet people from all around the world. A wide range of listings can be found at Or you can find these Digital Nomad Jobs by googling the country of your choice + resort jobs etc.

Cool Jobs for Location Independence Junkies…;-)

A great – and very adventurous – site with a large listing of jobs that allow you to travel is CoolWorks.

How about working on a Dude Ranch? or an oil platform? Jobs for RVers, jobs on Horseback and many more….

They also have a large listing of National Park positions, Adventure Guide jobs and many others that you probably never thought of – definitely have a look – even just for fun….;-)

jobs that allow you to travel on location by digital means

Another one is JobMonkey – the “coolest jobs on earth”.

Job Monkey - Digital Nomad Jobs - get paid to travel

Location Independent Jobs

While travel jobs are often counted in the Digital Nomad category, true Digital Nomad Jobs are location independent. You can do them from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.

Among them are the many freelancing jobs that can be found on sites like upwork, freelancer and even fiverr.

Technically, location independent freelance jobs are businesses. You don’t have a boss, you and your client are equal partners in a business collaboration and you decide which jobs you take and which you refuse.

You are your own boss, have to procure work, do your own accounting, health insurance etc. – and – you can work from anywhere in the world.

For a more detailed look at these types of Digital Nomad Jobs, check out the Freelancing Module.

Digital Lifestyle for location independent nomads

This completes the first Module on Jobs that allow you to travel.

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