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23 POWERFUL QUESTIONS to Awaken Your Passion & Find Your True Purpose

“Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing. Something we were born with. Something that’s ours and ours alone. Something that can’t be taught to you or learned. Something that’s got to be remembered.”

The Legend of Bagger Vance

23 Power Questions to Awaken your Passion & Find your True Purpose -


This inspiring quote from the movie “The Legend of Bagger Vance”, beautifully describes the disconnect many of us feel in our lives.

A disconnect from who we are. From what we are made of at the core of our being. Our deepest, most authentic passion and purpose in life.

Something so fulfilling, that you can’t wait to get up in the morning and never tire.

It’s not easy to find that passionate spark.

We are so used to ideas of what our lives “should” be like, to conform with society and other people’s expectations, that most people rarely allow themselves to cut loose, live our passion – and be true to who we really are.


23 Questions to help you Reconnect

Let the following 23 questions inspire you and help you reconnect with your deepest core. Help you to feel within and find what truly makes your heart sing and your soul dance.

The one thing you absolutely can’t live without.

What will your life be like when you find it?

How will you feel?

Who will you be with and what will you do?

Most of all:

Who will you become?

Feel within.

What is your instinctive response? – not what you think you should say, but what your gut is telling you.

Let the answers come to you. It may take a few days – or you might know right away.

Either way – have fun with it!

This is your life and it’s meant to be an exciting adventure. An exploration of your deeper self! The parts you didn’t even know you had.

It might bring out a whole new you – and a different life.

How would you feel about that?

Watch your body’s responses. They will be much more accurate than the comments from your mind which is trained to parrot “proper” answers – not how you really feel.

You might feel fear and apprehension mixed with the excitement. That’s an interesting part of the exploration as well.

This little exercise is about letting loose and enjoying the ride!

Having a heck of a ride really!

Are you ready for that adventure? – Ready to be surprised, maybe even shocked?

Then here we go:


👉#1 – If you had 50 Million Dollars, i.e., if earning money was not a requirement in your life, how would you spend your time?

👉#2 – What did you LOVE to do as a child? What were your dreams, favorite hobbies, interests? Are you still yearning for them?

👉#3 – What do you spend hours reading about?

👉#4 – What moves you so deeply, brings tears to your eyes?

👉#5 – What is “your sentence”? = if you had to define yourself and who you are in one brief sentence, what would it be? – your elevator pitch….;-)

👉#6 – What subjects could you read 500 books and never get bored?

👉#7 – What section in the bookstore are you drawn to?

👉#8 – Who are the people that live the life you want, have reached the place where you want to be? Why would you want to be there? List them all.

👉#9 – What would you enjoy doing for the next 10 years without getting paid?

👉#10 – What are you doing when you feel most beautiful?

👉#11 – What is a belief or conviction you hold that almost noone agrees with?

👉#12 – Looking back on your life 20 or 30 years from now, what do you want to say you’ve accomplished? 

👉#13 – If you could be remembered for three things after you die, what would they be?

👉#14 – How many of your friends and family are following their passions? (if none, then maybe you need to widen your circle…)

👉#15 – What were your peak moments over the last month? the moments when you felt happiest, most fulfilled? and why? (dig deeper on that one, don’t settle for the obvious….)

👉#16 – Who is your greatest inspiration, someone you want to emulate – either present or in history – and why? 

👉#17 – What would your ideal day look like? describe in detail and have fun with this!

👉#18 – Take inventory at the end of each day. What was your favorite part and why? over time you will notice certain patterns.

👉#19 – What do you want to change — in the world, your community, etc.? and why?

👉#20 – What makes you lose track of time? The things you never want to stop doing?

👉#21 – What were the 3 happiest moments in your life? and why?

👉#22 – What makes you burst out laughing – loud and uncontrollably?

👉#23 – What gives you goosebumps just thinking about it?


Over to You!

Share some of your answers in the comments – or if you know of additional questions that have been helpful to you, we’d love to here those as well! Can’t wait to read your responses!

Ready to share something awesome with the world…?

Something you are truly passionate about?

What if you could make a difference while also making a good living & never really “work” another day in your life?

This book will show you how – and no, it’s not about Instagram...😎- but rather about starting a movement, growing a following & becoming a thought leader inspiring millions – click below:


24 thoughts on “23 POWERFUL QUESTIONS to Awaken Your Passion & Find Your True Purpose”

  1. What makes you lose track of time? The things you never want to stop doing?

    A couple of nights ago, I looked at the clock and said, oh $%#@ it’s 2 AM! What was I doing? Making a hat that says, “Fight for your passion.” It has a pair of boxing gloves on it.

    I resigned last Friday from a 20-year career as an Engineer. I’ve achieved financial independence and am having a blast pursuing my passions–one of which is writing.

    The hat of course is a gift for my good friend and my readers.

  2. Great Questions! Refreshingly different and more thought provoking than the typical “Find my passion” type questions. Any areas of which I have a modicum of expertise are already overrun with authors. So I think I will take my humour more seriously and put my own spin on these topics. I will start by writing a book on how people who hate housework can spend less time cleaning and more time having fun while still satisfying the health authorities. With very real and useful information that I have spent the last 40 years researching.

  3. Thank you for the inspirational post. This one really got me thinking. It took me a long time to start knowing who I truly was but once I did, I felt much more confident and positive about the world around me.
    I love blogging about urban living and I could that forever without getting bored.

    • That’s amazing! – if you are passionate about something that strongly, you found your path – or at least the overall direction. It’s interesting where it sometimes leads…:)

  4. This made me realize that I like being outdoors and participating in outdoor activities a lot, creating, observing, and discussing art, being near the ocean and ocean activities or relaxation, and just being with my Husband and son most of the time. I’m not sure how that would translate into a blog or podcast, though. It was fun asking my family members the questions, hearing their answers, and learning more about what kinds of things they really like, and what interested them the most.

  5. I’m a deeply introverted woman. My answer to every question is “Be alone much of the time.” I definitely would come alive if I was able to work alone much of the time. The things I truly love are all solitary pursuits…every one of them. I hold a decent corporate job, but I’ve always been very unhappy in my jobs. I don’t feel like there’s a lot of options for introverted people in American society.

  6. You are so inspiring. Carrie Skiles recommended you. You keep my enthusiasm for my writing going every time I read your posts. This one really makes me think about who I am and where I am going. Thank you.

  7. made me think about a lot of things in the past and the things that would make my life a lot easier. thanks for the dreams.

  8. Love it! – covers a lot of different areas and really stirred something in me……fascinating journey!

  9. I love this!! really helpful and thoughtful questions. Have already gotten more clarity, but am taking my time with it. Thanks, Gundi! – Really helpful!

  10. This is great! – really got me thinking. Especially, the question with the 50 Mill….that’s really taking money out of the equation and focusing on passion, not need. Thanks!!

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